Sunday, January 24, 2010


    Is altruism an absolute and can we do anything without a motive of personal gain? These questions were asked by my nephew who believes that he can and should live without letting anyone use him for their gain. He believes that it would be better to be the very best garbage collector that he can be rather than "sell his soul" to a corporate monger that will use him and not value his work. Naturally a discussion with six other seasoned adults went off on many tangents. The fact remains; no one person is self sufficient. We borrow from nature (if not man) for food and shelter and for many other needs and wants; goods and services. Altruism is, if not selfless giving, a way to give back. Our motives for giving might be questioned (like in the movie "Blind Side") but that should not stop us from finding creative ways to do things for others. It should not stop us from doing things as a community to collectively work together for progress and improvement.
    My nephew will say I missed his point, which was more about why we indoctrinate our children will Sunday School stories and church obligations when we don't really practice what we preach. There does seem to be a massive exodus from churches and worship services. The original "Fear and Obey God" purpose is losing its strength. In the history of religion we know that leads to disaster. It is easy to be overtaken when we lose our sense of community, common ground and and moral code. " Come on people now, smile on your brother, everybody get together, try to love one another right now"

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Seeking the Truth

Many people are very firm in their convictions. I admire the ones who work toward a common good and accomplish incredible feats, like the end to slavery, the inclusion of women in the vote and equal rights, protection of children and the environment. I also admire the Scientists that invent and explain things that were beyond our imagination. There are heroes great and small. Those who tend to the sick and teach others tirelessly and without ceasing, are the ones we all appreciate and on whom we depend. Do they have a common thread in their thinking, beliefs and faith? Perhaps just being open minded as well as focused. Open minded people are constantly seeking the truth. I feel strong in my convictions but realize that my interpretation of spiritual matters may be skewed by traditional thoughts and my background. So it it in these writings that I am organizing what I have read, heard and experienced. It is an attempt to express the truth as I encounter it. I welcome opinions and comments. I encourage dialog. I believe that no man has all the answers. I have long believed that faith in God was quite simple and enriching to one's life. I don't want to fight that, but I would like to be able to share it with all people in a way that is beneficial to everyone. The simple truths that are universal: loving is easier than hating, helping is easier than competing, and giving feels better than taking. That is the meaning of life to me. Why worry about what happens after our life if we have lived with the three universal truths and instilled them in our children and neighbors?

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Angels and Visions

Most reports of of angelic visitors have occurred in dreams or been witnessed by singular accounts.  Without supporting stories from others, everyone of these visions might be dismissed. I have marveled over the stories of angels in the Bible, especially the multitude that sang to the shepherds.   And I have been fascinated by the visions that were seen by a few children in Lourdes, and the voices that led Joan of Arc into battle.  The voice from heaven, the burning bush, and the writing on the wall, all indicate some type of supernatural occurrence.  Who would argue the validity of these announcements that came from a higher power? Especially when they brought us the Ten Commandments; man's laws based on a common moral code that protect us and perhaps help us seek justice.  The higher power contends that we cannot trust the conscience of man, but must seek something greater.  Who are these messengers? Are angels like ghosts?  We have little evidence of spirits come from the dead or paranormal happenings.  Too many have been revealed as hoaxes. Why would we want to believe in something that would harm, hunt or haunt us.  We want to believe we are protected by something  beyond the control of man- a guardian angel.  We want to believe that beautiful dreams can become true-heavenly visions.  I dreamed of Jesus twice in my life.  In one he was in my kitchen cooking.  I thought a good interpretation would be for me to do likewise and feed the hungry.   In another he was on the beach picking up litter. And again, I thought there was a message -to take care of the earth.  I would like more beautiful dreams.  Unfortunately, most of mine are filled with anxiety.  Angels with wings that radiate with truth. I hope they are still out there. Little green men from Mars don't sound promising.  Angels that accompany a host from heaven and guide us to a holy light.  I love the sound.