Saturday, March 26, 2011


The end times seem to always be on the horizon. The devil is constantly prepared with an evil leader who can cause the abomination of desolation. ( A person who will falsely declare himself to be a god) We see the signs constantly; wars, rumors of wars, floods, and earthquakes. So, our hearts should be constantly prepared. 2012 is a year that is of interestright now. The seventy weeks of seven and the amount of time that Israel has been a nation (since 1947) seem to point to a tribulation that is soon. Is there a new temple? Certainly not on the Temple Mount. There hass been a red heifer for sacrifice. There is great turmoil in the Middle East. So, things could blow at any moment. Where the USA stands in this scene is hard to say. We were a Christian nation, which is based on Jewish history and and a Jewish Savior- Jesus Christ. Does that make us also a Jewish Nation? Not to mention that we have one of the worlds largest populations of practicing Jews. If we study the book of Daniel and the Revelations of John, the world is ripe for a tribulation. Many of us hope a rapture will happen first, some of us want to stay for the seven years of peace and evangelism. The history of the end of the world has shown many who would fit the description of the Antichrist. Antiocus one of the first hateful leaders killed many believers. How can we stand strong against such conflicts? It is frightening, but luckily in God's hands completely. More than ever, I want to follow the wonderful and powerful King of kings. I pray we stay strong.