Tuesday, August 3, 2010


Use your talents, practice and improve your talents, or bury them. The problem is to recognize your talents and have enough confidence to develop and use them. Everyone has a gift, and we all have the gift of criticizing others and how they use their abilities. I may want to express myself and write creatively, but have a thorn in my side with spelling. How can I then reach others if the focus will always be on my mistakes? This block is self imposed but fortified by the negative comments of others. So, maybe I should develop a different talent. I like to sing and bring joy to people through entertaining them. My vocal ability is limited through hearing impairment and I know I am "pitchy" at times. I like to paint, but it is expensive and my ability there is simplistic at best. I like to garden, but I am overwhelmed by the weeds and biting bugs. I love teaching others, but I do not like to deal with bad manners and unruly behavior. I love sports, but at my current age I don't expect to achieve any victory in competition, so coaching is an option even though my children have grown. Maybe I could teach painting to small groups, and I can sing to the aged and infirmed who no longer can get out. Ah, level of ability and judgement from others should not put a damper on activity. If we have a passion and interest, there is a place to use it. If we can't be the best at something , so what. Even the best have their records broken, or are replaced by the new and younger version. Use your talents. Listen to those who help you discover yourself with their encouragement and wisdom. Talent does increase with practice and it is HARD WORK. Ability does not appear overnight and the results don't last without constant vigilance and perseverance. Love gives us strength and determination to achieve. The point of the result is to be productive in the continuum of life. If we each contribute to the community, that life is rich and full of a peaceful and contented spirit.

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