Wednesday, August 17, 2011


We have been told a minute amount of faith can move mountains. This has always impressed me and I strive to be faithful. I don't think there has been anyone or anything that has shaken my faith in God. But I must admit I have very little faith in the people I know, or more accurately my trust has been tarnished like acid to a mirror. Am I trust worthy? I don't know. I like to talk about problems until they are solved. So, I don't like to promise not to talk to my closest friends about issues. But, I do the things I say I will, and I try not to do the upsetting things that others do to me. My question is , "Can I have faith in God and not mankind"? It seems there is a disconnect if I don't have faith in people. How can I regain the trust I once had? If we forgive others then trust should follow. But, as we grow older and have bad experiences, we should learn from our mistakes and beware of falling into the same traps. Being cautious feels like having little faith. If we trust God that should translate into a relationship with people that is comfortable and productive. One that glorifies God. But if we are all sinful and self centered this cannot be so. We need people we can depend on, and there are many who focus on doing the will of God. Many people strive to do what is right and good. It could be marvelous to live and work with only those who are trustworthy and true believers. The Amish seem to be an example of this kind of community. But, I am sure they will tell you they have their flaws and problems with in and outside of their followers. None of us can really be trusted. And no one should ask, "Have a little faith in me". But how do we cheerfully exist in a family or community where we feel like others want to take what we have. We can give away all that we have. But there can still be our friends, personality, work ethic and reputation that others may envy or attempt to destroy. Jesus complemented a woman for her great faith and healed her daughter. I want to be that woman. But I am sure that I must also regain my faith in mankind to connect with the God that moves mountains.

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