Sunday, April 25, 2010

Leadership: Figureheads, God, and Demigods

We need shepherds, mentors, protectors and teachers. Each of these are positions of leadership that bring people together in a community that helps each other and shares resources. No man is an island, even though some are very secluded by choice or circumstance. Leaders evolve naturally and elections give us opportunity to choose the best leaders for a situation. Appointed leaders can be effective if they are chosen by other reliable leaders. Self-appointed leaders and dictators are dangerous as they acquire power through force. The benevolent dictator is my favorite as they are represented by parents and rulers who have shown good judgement and are respected. God is a benevolent dictator. We are asked to follow his will without question. What is there to question about loving others and not expecting anything in return? Some fear God and therefore obey while others simply obey and believe that there is great reward for doing good deeds. God is an invisible leader and yet so very powerful. Tsars and kings and popes may have had this effect on multitudes when armies declared that their leader was now in charge of the land or territory. There must be a great trust factor to put faith in an unseen authority. How can someone or something rule a nation with so many people who really just want to live and let live; or be the boss of their own clan, flock, or family? It seems it is really about protection. One may live in peace if there is some one to protect us. Why anyone would want to take what we have seems unreasonable. Fighting against these marauders may really be just sport. Men have a natural aggression that requires them to tussle with others. We want our soldiers to be smart and strong. Leaders who teach and guide us to become skilled in our life endeavors must also be smart and respected. Many discover on their own how to get by at a very young age. How much better we can survive and thrive with the help of other sage people. The conflict becomes corruption of power. Those in a leadership position can easily abuse their charges. Democratic checks and balances are needed to prevent improper behavior. God bless loyal and loving leaders.

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