Tuesday, December 7, 2010


The books of Daniel and Revelation tell us of things yet to come. It is not much that is surprising given the history of devastation and war in our world. We are asked to be prepared by repenting of our sinful nature, believing in the love of God and salvation through Jesus, and living a life of service to others. All easy things to do. Except for the constant barrage of the anti- religious, self serving people who think they do no wrong, it is easy to live a God fearing life. Well, except for the competition to live lavishly or even comfortably, it is easy to serve others. Also, the ridicule from the people who think Jesus is a fable, and the teasers who think going to church is for nerds, it gets a little tense to keep up good habits. And in addition, there are those who are judgemental and pious that make us feel unworthy. Daniel reminds us that we are holy vessels. Those who defile us are messing with a powerful God that will bring them down. I have seen this and yet they still don't get the picture and try to blame others. I have done it myself. So, does God punish us? Can love punish? Do we punish ourselves. The answer is easy. Our response to any situation is far more important than the actual event. Go therefore before the cloud of witnesses.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Universal Truth

Historically, people pride themselves on their accomplishments, from monetary success to the germination of a seed. When things work in our favor, we like to think we did it ourselves without the inspiration or help of nature or anyone else. Yet, there are so many factors that could have prevented our success. People and the power of nature support most everything that gives us fulfillment. Millions of us believe that it goes beyond that. God, the creator, father of the heavens and our own little speck of earth, is divinely involved. The proof of this is abundant, and yet invisible to those who don't want to believe. Historically, many intellectuals and scientific men have tried to explain the idea of God and the life and influence of Jesus. Plato, Jefferson, Schweitzer concluded that there is something beyond our understanding that is a driving force in our lives. Galileo, Da Vinci, Edison also concurred that there is a super natural power that exceeds human strength and control. These men and many more tried to fit the life of Jesus into their way of thinking. As we look into the purpose of our lives and of Jesus, there can be only one conclusion. Jesus told the truth and we must continue to seek the truth even as it becomes more bizarre to our way of thinking in society today. Jesus asks us to go beyond our human instincts. Love our enemies, may be the hardest command, and Jesus made plenty of enemies by breaking traditions. We too can go against conventions and need to do so when they tempt us to focus on hedonism. Could we give up "beauty products", "anesthesias", and "entertainments" for a healthier life. It would be a more spiritual and natural life. Cold turkey anyone?

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Looking for a New Church

Now that I am in South Carolina, I need to find a new church. There are plenty of Baptist, several Catholic, and even some Lutheran Churches. I admit I really like the Praise Music in the new and modern church services. I like learning new songs. Even though I have old favorites I am not fond of the dirges. And I have never liked mournful funeral services. Celebration on Sundays is my favorite way to go. I do repent everyday in prayer, and confess my fears and shortfalls. I want to find a church that is actively helping people in the community and feels like a big family. The music and message is important. But, putting Christian principals into action is my main focus. I started by asking neighbors where they go. One invited me to go with them, so I look forward to that. Several people came to my aid when I was stung by a wasp. They are now family to me, and I hope to connect with them more. As I meet people everyday, I think how fun it is to make new friends- that is how church should be as well. Let's see how it goes in the next few weeks. I love the freedom to choose my own church.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

North American Lutheran Church

A new expression of the Lutheran Church was formed. This is presumably a response to the ELCA now accepting homosexual people to be ordained as pastors. The new church seeks to remain close to Biblical teachings and practices of the Lutheran Confessions since the Reformation of Medieval days. It would be ideal if all pastors, ministers, fathers, rabbis, and even parishioners were like Jesus - perfect and without sin. Well, we know that there are pastors who are: adulterers, robbers, idolaters, covetors, murderers, glutenous sinners. Some have been fired from their duties and some have been forgiven or keep their passions a secret. So, would we allow gay people to be pastors if they confessed that their passion was a sin? No sin is worse than the other in God's eyes. How can we possibly attempt to find people pure enough to be our pastors? And, how many people would be left in the churches if they had to repent and give up their sinful ways, or be unwelcome to be a part of the congregation. We have given up: dress code, eating rituals, hours of worship, daily prayer, holy festival days, and Hebrew liturgy that was part of Jesus Sabbath training. Jesus did start some of the break away from ritual by working on the Holy day, eating with prostitutes and tax collectors, and mocking the religious leaders who were mired in tradition. So, if we are to follow Biblical teaching, we might have to choose between the old and new testament rules. Jesus commissioned us to all be baptised and minister to others. He died so all of us sinners would not be punished for our passions. We struggle to control our hormones and desires for lustful and material pleasures. Churches were not to be formed to group people by religious thoughts that judged and excluded others. They are to be sanctuaries for the needy and a community gathering place to promote love of humankind and worship of the creator of all good things.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


The life of Jesus was not a comfortable one by our standards. Americans would give little respect to anyone who emulated Jesus' lifestyle. Hippies may have come close, but were regarded as "free love" and drug induced carefree people. Jesus appeared to be without material possessions, but still had a mother and presumably a home. He spoke of loving one another and even your enemies, which is a message of peace. He spoke of giving to Cesar what is Cesar's, which is a message of cooperation with government. He healed and helped people immediately when they asked, even on the Sabbath- and miraculously raised people from death when he arrived too late. We should all be so lucky as to have Jesus as a friend. But then, he tells us that there will be division in the family if we follow his ways. There will be pain and suffering if we carry his yoke. There will be martyrdom if we take up the cross. Not a good sales pitch. Yet there are millions of followers in every country. Jesus does not promise physical comfort. He promises spiritual peace. He asks us to speak up and shake things up, knowing we will have opposition and risk everything. He does not promise prosperity and material wealth, even though we continue to crave it. He promises heavenly happiness. Does eternal mystery give us incentive to do what is right and honest and helpful to others? Not very often. Altruism is not rare, but it does have its rewards. Christianity was not meant to be comfortable or profitable or peaceful. Christ has power that is incredible and offers us an opportunity to strengthen our initiatives and outcomes when we engage in Christian behavior.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010


Use your talents, practice and improve your talents, or bury them. The problem is to recognize your talents and have enough confidence to develop and use them. Everyone has a gift, and we all have the gift of criticizing others and how they use their abilities. I may want to express myself and write creatively, but have a thorn in my side with spelling. How can I then reach others if the focus will always be on my mistakes? This block is self imposed but fortified by the negative comments of others. So, maybe I should develop a different talent. I like to sing and bring joy to people through entertaining them. My vocal ability is limited through hearing impairment and I know I am "pitchy" at times. I like to paint, but it is expensive and my ability there is simplistic at best. I like to garden, but I am overwhelmed by the weeds and biting bugs. I love teaching others, but I do not like to deal with bad manners and unruly behavior. I love sports, but at my current age I don't expect to achieve any victory in competition, so coaching is an option even though my children have grown. Maybe I could teach painting to small groups, and I can sing to the aged and infirmed who no longer can get out. Ah, level of ability and judgement from others should not put a damper on activity. If we have a passion and interest, there is a place to use it. If we can't be the best at something , so what. Even the best have their records broken, or are replaced by the new and younger version. Use your talents. Listen to those who help you discover yourself with their encouragement and wisdom. Talent does increase with practice and it is HARD WORK. Ability does not appear overnight and the results don't last without constant vigilance and perseverance. Love gives us strength and determination to achieve. The point of the result is to be productive in the continuum of life. If we each contribute to the community, that life is rich and full of a peaceful and contented spirit.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Good Samaritan

When I left the grocery store on a hot summer day with two cloth "green bags" that I reuse when I shop, I was approached by a young woman. It looked as though she was waiting by my car and perhaps looking in for something. She said, "excuse me, I wonder if you could help me?" And with a vulnerable sound in her voice, I listened as she explained her troubles. I started to feel vulnerable as I remembered that my next door neighbor had her purse stolen in this very same parking lot. I started to tune her out instead of asking how I could help. Her story was flimsy. Car trouble, using all their money for repairs, on their way to another state. Crap! Was I the Levi or the Samaritan? I chose not to believe her when she asked for any spare money had. I said, " Sorry, I don't have any left." And as I got in my car, I watched her go to a van with a man sitting inside. I did not feel good. Did they need me and I refused? Would they take advantage of someone else if I just left. Then of course the next day is the sermon about the parable Jesus told when asked, "Who is our neighbor?" How often do we help others when there is a risk to our own safety? How often do we help only to be duped by some mooch or thief? The sermon was focused on Us being the victim in need of help. There is always help to be had is we ask and trust. Our opportunities to help others are myriad. Unfortunately, giving aid can be dangerous and hurtful. People will demand more of you each time you offer assistance. We want to make our own decisions and be in control of our disbursements. While the vultures are waiting as well as the vulnerable needy, we have to sort through the applications and requests to figure out sometimes in a moment's notice, who will receive our benevolence. I would love to be the person who can give something to everyone who has a need. We are bombarded with requests from charity and research and must choose which are important to us. The Good Samaritan took a risk. We are to be like him, but what is the rest of the story. Was he later beaten and taken advantage of, or kept under a protective shield? Did his children fight over he possessions while he was left alone and aging under a strangers care, or did he give everything away to those less fortunate? Did the Samaritan support the "neighbor" for the rest of his life? Was the poor man grateful to be rescued by an enemy from a heathen country? We can help until it hurts and we are at risk, but we should not be foolish.

Saturday, June 26, 2010


Love is the greatest power beyond faith, hope, and knowledge. With the power of love everything is made perfect. Love can remove envy, lust, sloth, vanity, anger, gluttony, greed, and criticism. When we appreciate, share, and help, there is no more wanting. When we put others first, there is no more anger or complaint. Hope allows for some prediction and worry. Faith needs trust and assurance. Love stands alone in its ability to conquer and succeed. Patience, kindness, and forgiveness are all products of love. What are the barriers to the love we seek? Our thirst to be God and all powerful and knowing causes us to believe we need and want more than we have. There lies the irony. If love is God, then we already have what we need. God is already within us when we care for all that is in our environment. If we feel we have all the answers to satisfy every ones needs and wants, then we want people to listen to us, act as we command, and even to be worshiped. Isn't it enough to be patient and kind without flaunting our knowledge? Some are meant to follow, and may our leaders be blessed by love.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

The Lost Symbol by Dan Brown

The novel, " The Lost Symbol" is a history of the Masons and their architecture that is set in Washington DC. The author ties Science and Religion together in a way that is logical and spiritual. Obviously, if great Scientists of the past, such as Isaac Newton, respected the ancient mysteries; then there should be no more either/or between concrete and abstract thinkers. Stories that seem far fetched and whimsical to us now may have factual evidence to convince the most skeptical. But, there is a beauty in faith; believing in that which one has not experienced. If something is factual or not, it can still be believable when the history is well documented. Yet, history is so often fabricated or embellished. So, belief has to have a purpose. Goal driven people rely on faith as a motivator for their outcome based actions. No one is without a sense of trust, or there would be few with the confidence to build or create. Engineers are artists after all. So, to use mythical based design as their inspiration is a natural combination. The masons have rituals and a respect for a higher power. Brown often quotes Biblical scripture to point to the power within the brain of man. We are gods created in the image of God. Many men have believed themselves to be a god. I thought this egotistical, but it may have some legitimacy. Some people, like Einstein, had incredible connection with cognition and creativity. The fact that he was Jewish may be significant in the evolution of religious thought and scientific discovery. Mason's have a reverence for the bible and its ancient wisdom. Half of the bible is Jewish law, history and prophesy. Christians and Jews will always be closely tied together since Jesus was a Jew and the star of the second half of the bible. The Jewish are a "chosen " race and have been successful in many endeavors even when greatly oppressed. All of this was thrown together to make an exciting story that used biblical allusions. such as, Abraham willing to sacrifice his son as proof of his love of God. Brain power and blessings equal a rich life.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


We really want to blame someone for our temptations and wrong doing. We don't want to admit to weak will power and bad choices. We are such self-centered beings that we often do not think about how our actions affect others. And so, there is the devil and his evil incarnate. The Bible does not even mention the Beelzebub until the book of Ezekiel. Until then, people were probably blaming their mothers and difficult childhoods. If Lucifer rules the world and we are in a constant power struggle of love versus hate, then it is a wonder that man still exists. Love is the superior power and conquers all of course. Yet, why don't we all join forces to eliminate the devil. Is he more powerful than the sum total of manpower? If we could labor each day for our food, shelter, and entertainment; there would still be those who need help and those who need encouragement. But why do we become evil enablers? I am not suggesting punishment keeps people from wanting more than they need and sinning to secure it. I am proposing that some people are slackers and will let others do for them until an inequitable state occurs. That inequality breeds jealousy and discontent that leads to so many hurts and heinous crimes (taking an other's life or dignity). The devil indeed then is the one who fosters inequity in the minds of the masses. " If he can, then why can't I?" How our world filled up with so many baffling and contrived needs is ridiculous. Thank you to all the advertisers and marketers who make things look sexy and necessary. The best thing about "going green" is that it recognizes the ability to use less and need less. Perhaps our environmentally responsible children will be the ones to fight the red devil down with a powerful, loving, "Shrek" like attitude. Use less, share more, take care, and be free from the devil.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Sinful Nature

The first sin was wanting more. We continue to want more of everything even when we have all we need. We often want something when we see someone else has it. Jealousy. Why do we not want others to have what we have, and we don't want others to have what we do not have. Crazy. A loving act would be to say, " I have enough and want no more, please have some of mine". What is really ours? We come into the world with nothing and we apparently leave with nothing. We borrow from the earth and abuse it. It is not ours. We work for each other and exchange services. We surround ourselves with things that represent what we value. How does it become under our ownership? We all want to be fed, watered, clothed, sheltered, loved and gratified. Do we have to provide for others in return for these things? Those who work the hardest or smartest are rewarded more for their efforts. Not really. Those who are the luckiest and convince others by marketing cleverly that they need something more, will become the richest. The next sin: taking a life to obtain something more. Can punishment help us to recognize our sin so that we will sin less? Nope. Pain in child bearing is suffered by all female animals (and the male seahorse) but does not keep us from having sexual interaction, or conceiving children. Having to toil on the land has not kept us from more crops and food than we need. Being locked in a cage does not keep anyone from committing offenses on other innocent people. We will always want more food, and sexual contact, and land because it brings pleasure and security and nourishment. Who do you suppose sins less; the poor man or the rich? Jealousy visits all people in myriad insipid ways. Fight back with prayers of thanks giving for what you have, and supplication to do the Father's will.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Leadership: Figureheads, God, and Demigods

We need shepherds, mentors, protectors and teachers. Each of these are positions of leadership that bring people together in a community that helps each other and shares resources. No man is an island, even though some are very secluded by choice or circumstance. Leaders evolve naturally and elections give us opportunity to choose the best leaders for a situation. Appointed leaders can be effective if they are chosen by other reliable leaders. Self-appointed leaders and dictators are dangerous as they acquire power through force. The benevolent dictator is my favorite as they are represented by parents and rulers who have shown good judgement and are respected. God is a benevolent dictator. We are asked to follow his will without question. What is there to question about loving others and not expecting anything in return? Some fear God and therefore obey while others simply obey and believe that there is great reward for doing good deeds. God is an invisible leader and yet so very powerful. Tsars and kings and popes may have had this effect on multitudes when armies declared that their leader was now in charge of the land or territory. There must be a great trust factor to put faith in an unseen authority. How can someone or something rule a nation with so many people who really just want to live and let live; or be the boss of their own clan, flock, or family? It seems it is really about protection. One may live in peace if there is some one to protect us. Why anyone would want to take what we have seems unreasonable. Fighting against these marauders may really be just sport. Men have a natural aggression that requires them to tussle with others. We want our soldiers to be smart and strong. Leaders who teach and guide us to become skilled in our life endeavors must also be smart and respected. Many discover on their own how to get by at a very young age. How much better we can survive and thrive with the help of other sage people. The conflict becomes corruption of power. Those in a leadership position can easily abuse their charges. Democratic checks and balances are needed to prevent improper behavior. God bless loyal and loving leaders.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Advertising and Evangelism

    Is advertising similar to evangelism- selling a product? Whenever we need financial support or we want to get our message out to multiple people; we need advertisements. Television commercials can be cute and convincing. Newspaper adds may dominate a page to draw our attention like a billboard while driving. But now, we have the Internet. Flashy promises pop up wherever we navigate. Do Christians need clever gimmicks to sell themselves or their religion? I believe a joyful life is the best add for a loving God. I did knock on doors to give away Bibles when I was a teen. And I have opened the door to Jehovah Witnesses. But evangelism today can now be electronically transmitted. There is a sense of safety and comfort sharing the Good News from an arm chair rather than a soap box on a city street. Allah, Yahweh, God must all be pleased with our connectivity. Profitable religion still remains an outrage. Yes, there will be poor always, but the story of anointing Jesus head and feet with expensive oil was not our cue to become lavish in our lifestyles or to exploit religion for monetary gain. Imagine Jesus wearing Nike shoes and wearing a Rolex. Imagine Mohammad as a car salesman , or Buddha hawking Ginsu knives, or having fundraisers in order to finance their seminars. What would be the spiritual message today? The message is still to live a joyous life.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Believe, my children...

    There is nothing i would like more than to know that my children think as i do, and believe what i believe, and will do better than i have done. Perhaps, I wish really that all people would believe as I do and will do better than I have done. I want to thank those people who have helped someone today when i stayed home and rested. I praise the people who saved a life today when i stayed home and prayed. I cherish those who gave of themselves today when i was alone and quietly read. I marvel at those who solved a problem today when i may have fueled a fire when i talked on the phone. I wish i were a part of the organization that does the Father's will everyday by reaching out to millions on the television, but even more i wish i was a part of the group that gives loving care to hundreds everyday- and still has energy to take care of their own family at the end of the day. I admire all of you who have a plan and complete your plan. I love all of you who work as a trusted team. When I am done resting and have a new plan and a support system; I will join you strong people who work tirelessly for others.

Sunday, March 28, 2010


    Where two are more are gathered. It is easy to talk about God and church. I can work it into any conversation just by saying, " In church yesterday I heard an interesting idea...". People often open up about their church experience after that or ask more about mine. I enjoy the smiles and hugs. I enjoy the discussions and messages. What I love most is the music and singing. Who can live with out song and dance? What I don't like is that after years of teaching, organizing, giving, and helping as much as possible; I am left with feeling that I still have not done enough. Even worse, I feel that I do not matter to anyone. Oddly, I believe I heard the minister say the same thing in his message today. He spoke about the humble donkey who carried the great Savior. And now the pastor does much the same in carrying the great message. But who can love a donkey? They work and then stand isolated in the field. Cute but not cuddly, powerful but apprehensive. Jesus warns us that we will feel alone, and sometimes rejected. He did not warn us that we will actually feel jealous of those who seem connected and loved and welcomed. Though we all know one must be a friend to make a friend, we still can't always pick our friends. We might feel called by God, but never called by those with whom we try to build relationships. What is the barrier? I must be sending the wrong signals. It is so depressing sometimes that the Jonah effect is all that is left- the feeling that running away to start new will solve everything. So, donkeys of the world unite. Eat your humble pie, continue to do the work of love, knowing with all assurance that you will be filled and fulfilled if your heart and mind is open.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


    This is the subject that is the whole basis for our faith and hope in Jesus' Way. The fact that Jesus rose from the dead after three days in a tomb proves that he is not an earthly human. Jesus said he would do this loving act to complete a promise to die for the sins of all people on earth. The celebration of the resurrection is a grand holiday with trumpets blaring and shouts of alleluia. This celebration has been paired with the rites of Spring. Many witnesses have given testimony to the risen Lord, the most compelling may have been from Thomas the doubter. He felt the holes in Jesus hands and bowed down and said, "My Lord and my God". We now are given the chance to be the ones who believe without seeing. It is a hard story to believe. Nothing has ever happened like this before or since. But, the joy of believing opens the doors to a new life that is free from fear and doubt. Those insidious tempters that still cause us to feel sad, lonely, hurt, left out, angry, jealous, lacking of confidence, greedy, hungry and insatiable; are constantly causing us to forget the resurrection joy. Jesus conquered death and wishes us to have eternal life for simply believing what is hard to believe, but oh so lovely. Intelligent people have converted to Christianity, people who seemingly have no need for God, believe. Religion is not just an elixir for the oppressed. It is not a collection of Fairy Tales. Christianity offers a code of moral behavior and an incredible opportunity to realize something beyond our simple understanding of the universe. If we become better people will we live longer and happier lives? Yes, but that is not the goal. The goal is the joyous pain free life to come.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010


    What do the three temptations of Jesus during the forty day fast represent?
    1. If you are hungry turn the stones into bread.
    This could be a temptation for Jesus to prove his power, or to avoid an unnecessary, uncomfortable situation. What he in fact proved was that he could endure hardship as a man, and engage his willpower to do his father's will and not his own. I have heard some excellent employers say they never ask people to do a job that they won't do themselves. So this was a teaching moment since it must have been viewed by the person who recorded the story. It is proof enough that Jesus is love personified by his healing of the sick and preaching peace and compassion.
    2. If you are God, jump from the spire and command the angels to catch you.
    This is another temptation to prove power. This time it is asking someone to prove their love for us. No proof is needed if we see the fruits they bear. Love is not a competition and there is enough for everyone. Jesus did not need that proof, but as we find later in his ministry he did cry and even plead for the torture to be over. But, he never turned away from his destiny to show us that the ultimate love is to die in place of others.
    3. If you worship the devil he will give you power over the earth.
    This temptation could be the desire to have power to control all things. World domination has been attempted and depicted as something gained through evil, selfish, and destructive means. That power does not last. Jesus understands that love is more powerful. This is proven today by the enormous following that Jesus' way employs. It is proven every time we forgive instead of fight back. The healing power of love and serving God has accomplished the most miraculous things.
Tempted or tortured: love endures. We should all live with loving thoughts, words and deeds.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Doctrine and Denominations

Each apostle of Christ had a different focus in his ministry. Each follower of the apostles interpreted the words and stories with a different emphasis. And that is where the first church divisions and fighting began. Paul attempts in many letters to address these arguments. Even so, the followers of Jesus grew into such a throng (many being gentiles) that the message began to be buried under the typical manipulation of men seeking power. The popularity of Christianity grew even though followers were being persecuted and executed. It became clear that that joining forces would make a stronger contingency against current oppressive powers. Constantine, not a church leader but a conqueror, decides it is time to adopt Christianity as the dominant religion and orders a council to choose the writings that should go into a final document which became the Bible. They chose epistles that corroborated the stories of Jesus and included the Jewish historical accounts and prophesies. Other documents were ordered to be destroyed. Recently, the gnostic gospels were discovered in Egypt. Much research has since been done to substantiate the bible stories and additional writings. The writers were directly connected to the disciples of Jesus and Paul. The biggest difficulty has been translations into Latin and English from the Greek or Aramaic language. One fact remains: the lessons of the New Testament are beautiful and complete in relational instruction. No society has completely embraced and followed those lessons. The United States claims to be founded on Christian ideals, but that is only partially so. The Roman Empire did an incredible job spreading its ideals through force. And today, many people claim Christ as their Savior. How many do you know truly reflect the teachings?

Sunday, January 24, 2010


    Is altruism an absolute and can we do anything without a motive of personal gain? These questions were asked by my nephew who believes that he can and should live without letting anyone use him for their gain. He believes that it would be better to be the very best garbage collector that he can be rather than "sell his soul" to a corporate monger that will use him and not value his work. Naturally a discussion with six other seasoned adults went off on many tangents. The fact remains; no one person is self sufficient. We borrow from nature (if not man) for food and shelter and for many other needs and wants; goods and services. Altruism is, if not selfless giving, a way to give back. Our motives for giving might be questioned (like in the movie "Blind Side") but that should not stop us from finding creative ways to do things for others. It should not stop us from doing things as a community to collectively work together for progress and improvement.
    My nephew will say I missed his point, which was more about why we indoctrinate our children will Sunday School stories and church obligations when we don't really practice what we preach. There does seem to be a massive exodus from churches and worship services. The original "Fear and Obey God" purpose is losing its strength. In the history of religion we know that leads to disaster. It is easy to be overtaken when we lose our sense of community, common ground and and moral code. " Come on people now, smile on your brother, everybody get together, try to love one another right now"

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Seeking the Truth

Many people are very firm in their convictions. I admire the ones who work toward a common good and accomplish incredible feats, like the end to slavery, the inclusion of women in the vote and equal rights, protection of children and the environment. I also admire the Scientists that invent and explain things that were beyond our imagination. There are heroes great and small. Those who tend to the sick and teach others tirelessly and without ceasing, are the ones we all appreciate and on whom we depend. Do they have a common thread in their thinking, beliefs and faith? Perhaps just being open minded as well as focused. Open minded people are constantly seeking the truth. I feel strong in my convictions but realize that my interpretation of spiritual matters may be skewed by traditional thoughts and my background. So it it in these writings that I am organizing what I have read, heard and experienced. It is an attempt to express the truth as I encounter it. I welcome opinions and comments. I encourage dialog. I believe that no man has all the answers. I have long believed that faith in God was quite simple and enriching to one's life. I don't want to fight that, but I would like to be able to share it with all people in a way that is beneficial to everyone. The simple truths that are universal: loving is easier than hating, helping is easier than competing, and giving feels better than taking. That is the meaning of life to me. Why worry about what happens after our life if we have lived with the three universal truths and instilled them in our children and neighbors?

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Angels and Visions

Most reports of of angelic visitors have occurred in dreams or been witnessed by singular accounts.  Without supporting stories from others, everyone of these visions might be dismissed. I have marveled over the stories of angels in the Bible, especially the multitude that sang to the shepherds.   And I have been fascinated by the visions that were seen by a few children in Lourdes, and the voices that led Joan of Arc into battle.  The voice from heaven, the burning bush, and the writing on the wall, all indicate some type of supernatural occurrence.  Who would argue the validity of these announcements that came from a higher power? Especially when they brought us the Ten Commandments; man's laws based on a common moral code that protect us and perhaps help us seek justice.  The higher power contends that we cannot trust the conscience of man, but must seek something greater.  Who are these messengers? Are angels like ghosts?  We have little evidence of spirits come from the dead or paranormal happenings.  Too many have been revealed as hoaxes. Why would we want to believe in something that would harm, hunt or haunt us.  We want to believe we are protected by something  beyond the control of man- a guardian angel.  We want to believe that beautiful dreams can become true-heavenly visions.  I dreamed of Jesus twice in my life.  In one he was in my kitchen cooking.  I thought a good interpretation would be for me to do likewise and feed the hungry.   In another he was on the beach picking up litter. And again, I thought there was a message -to take care of the earth.  I would like more beautiful dreams.  Unfortunately, most of mine are filled with anxiety.  Angels with wings that radiate with truth. I hope they are still out there. Little green men from Mars don't sound promising.  Angels that accompany a host from heaven and guide us to a holy light.  I love the sound.