Thursday, October 15, 2009

Take Up the Whole Armor

Belt of Truth:  A belt around our core offers support.  The core being the center of strength must be based in honesty to advance any cause.

Breastplate of Righteousness:  The breastplate protects our heart.  If we choose to do rightly, our heart is strengthened and offers endurance.  

Shoes of Peace:  Our feet direct our actions.  The path to promote peace is narrow and requires  us to be prepared with a full armor and sturdy shoes to guide us lovingly.

Shield of Faith:  A shield may guard our face so that our eyes will keep focus and continue to believe in our goals.  Our perspective is important, but we can be open minded without being vulnerable to the flaming arrows of doubt.

Helmet of Salvation:  To keep our "head in the game" requires us to persevere so that we can withstand any conflict and not be shaken.

Sword of the Spirit: Word is in the sword that is a weapon we use boldly. Words can harm or heal.  We must use them wisely to build each other up and offer guidance.  The sword cannot act alone. 

We must be honest, do rightly, act with love, believe in our goal, persevere in our faith, be prepared to share and be bold with our words. 

1 comment:

  1. I remember when we talked about this in our youth group. It really does make you think about what it means to be "soldiers" of God, and defenders of your faith. I wonder what the modern day equivalent would be?
