Sunday, January 2, 2011
Our sub conscious
When we dream, our sub conscious reveals some strange thoughts. Fasting and meditation are among the few ways we can alter our physical and emotional process and allow strong, scary and wondrous thoughts to emerge. If we record our dreams we could possibly learn more about ourselves. Like many; I dream nightly and in color. The scenarios seem so real and often frightening, but usually full of anxiety. Things that I would never say to people, play out in my dreams- never with positive outcomes. Things I would never do, happen in my dreams, leaving me with feelings of shame and guilt. But, that is only when I have anxiety or have watched a movie that has disturbing scenes. So, I avoid movies with violence (or I fall completely asleep during those scenes). I try to resolve conflicts immediately. And I find myself avoiding people who cause conflict and anxiety. But then we cannot avoid the family we love and want to nurture without feeling negligent. My sister-in-law has always said to follow the advise of Jiminy Cricket, "Let your conscience be your guide". We like Pinocchio, want to be free of rules and regulations and responsibilities that are strings holding us down and making us puppets controlled by others that we don't respect or don't like. We want to be free to choose our friends and actions without consequences. And, if we have made good choices, why do we still have consequences of jealousy, complaints, worries, and interference form others? If we are making good choices and have good outcomes, why don't the negatives flee from us and let us bask in the glow of the positive? If God is for us, who can be against us? Those negative ions are constantly there side by side with the positive ions. We shed them like dead skin cells and cause fluctuations in energy fields of our personal space. We can barely control our ions or our sub conscience, or the negativity of others. How then can we be empowered by the love that changes negative to positive? How can we battle the constant despair of others that would drag us into their world? The love of God asks us to love the enemy. That cannot mean to avoid them, attack them, or wish them dead. It can only mean to teach them until they prosper in the same love. Watch out for the insipid jealousy of their success. But, watch even more closely not to be dragged into the mire of an other's turmoil. Fight the good fight of faith and keep your armour up. That armour of salvation from my first Blog. Truth, love, peace, and perseverence in faith. Incredible is the power of the spirit. And good dreams will come along with happy times where anxiety is a thing of the past. My heaven is a place of peaceful dreams.
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